Construction Accident Attorney

At Bauman Law APLC, we understand that construction can be a very dangerous occupation. From the materials these professionals work with to other people working on the job site, hazards can pop up at any point. When they do, the results can be tragic.

If you or someone you care about has been the victim of a workplace injury, a skilled Los Angeles construction accident attorney from our firm can help.

What Causes Construction Accidents in california?

The nature of the construction industry is inherently more dangerous than many other workplaces in Los Angeles. Constructing buildings requires heavy machinery, electricity, dangerous equipment, power tools, and working from heights. These elements can easily become deadly with even the smallest amount of negligence.

  • Broken Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations

  • Lack of proper safety equipment or protocols

  • Construction site defects

  • Exposure to hazardous substances or chemicals

  • Negligent or criminal coworkers/contractors

  • Negligent or inadequate construction worker training

  • Lack of fall protection for workers

Motor vehicle accidents, falls, electrocutions, getting struck by an object, and getting caught in or between objects or equipment are the most common causes of death in the construction industry, according to OSHA. Pedestrians and drivers who pass through construction zones are also at risk of serious accidents and injuries. Whether you were a worker or a bystander, you could be eligible for compensation after a construction accident in Los Angeles.

Compensation for Construction Accidents

Construction accident claims are unique in that these accidents often occur at work while the victim is on the job. California’s workers’ compensation laws mean an injured employee may be able to receive financial compensation through one or more different avenues. Construction accidents can take one or both of the following paths:

  • The personal injury path. At most construction sites, success is the result of a number of factors working together. Some of those factors, such as the equipment being used or other subcontractors working on the same job, are the responsibility of outside parties.

  • The workers’ compensation path. In these cases, we pursue compensation from the employer involved. Depending on the severity of the situation, we may seek temporary disability benefits, permanent disability benefits or medical benefits.

Whether your case involves a falling accident, being hit by a falling piece of construction material or any other type of construction accident, a dedicated Los Angeles construction accident attorney from our firm can help. If you were injured due to the negligence of someone other than your employer or a co-worker, you do have the right to file a third-party liability personal injury lawsuit against them.

Who Is Liable for Construction Accidents?

In Los Angeles, the party that will be liable for someone else’s damages will be the one most at fault for causing the injuries in question. You may need help from a Los Angeles construction accident attorney to prove another party’s liability for your recent construction accident.

  • Property owner. A property owner could be liable if a defective or dangerous property element caused your accident. A structural collapse, for example, could point to owner liability if he or she reasonably should have known about a cracked foundation.

  • Construction company. If you suffered an injury on the job, the company you work for could be liable for damages. Before you settle for workers’ compensation, discuss the potential value of a lawsuit against your employer for negligence.

  • Product manufacturer. Many construction site accidents trace back to product defects, such as crane collapses or materials contaminated with asbestos. In these injury cases, the manufacturer of the product may face legal responsibility for damages.

A construction company will be liable for most accidents that injure workers, drivers, and pedestrians. Construction companies can commit acts of negligence that contribute to accidents, such as violating OSHA regulations or failing to properly train employees.

finding a lawyer

Choose your lawyer based on the qualities that will place you in the best possible position to win your case. These include years of experience in your practice area, positive results secured for other catastrophic injury cases, connections to subject-matter experts, state-of-the-art legal resources, awards and accolades, and an in-depth knowledge of the Los Angeles County court system. 

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